Engineer 11/4 Improper Staffing

The Claim:

  • When Engineers are called from an 11/4 board to work a different assignment.
  • Claim basic day per violation of BLE 11/4 work rest agreement.


Required Documentation:

  • Time slip with FRA tie up showing what assignment was worked.
  • Snapshot of the board that you were called to protect.
  • Snapshot of the board that you normally protect showing that you were working Off Assignment (OA).
  • 20-day lookback.



Claiming a basic day penalty account Carrier improperly staffing the (CIRC-7) (BOARD) and requiring cross protection from (CIRC-7) (BOARD). This claim is fully supported by the Jan, 24, 2024 implementation agreement between the carrier and the organization. Note 2 states the boards established herein shall be maintained to a reasonable staffing levels consistent with the traffic levels. It is not to be supplemented by another board.