Forced to Work RCO with Junior Employee working...

Your Claim:

  • Forced to work RCO with junior employees working non-RCO


  • Names of employees junior working in non-RCO


On (DATE(S)), I was forced to (CIRC-7 and BOARD LIST) extra board. CMS refused to allow the me to exercise my seniority even though there were junior employees (EMPLOYEE’S NAME(S)) working on the (CIRC-7 and BOARD LIST) (EXTRA or POOL) board. The Carrier has failed to conduct on-going training classes for RCO service. RCO service was implemented on (DATE) at (LOCATION). The Carrier has failed to continue to do RCO training at (LOCATION). This is not in keeping with Section 3 Training/Certification of the August 20, 2002 National Agreement,