Engineer Improperly Placed in RF Status

Engineer Improperly placed in RF Status

Your claims:

  • When called to work as an Engineer for service for which you don’t stand.
    • CMS calls an Engineer not working the Extra Board (i.e. Pool Freight, Locals etc.)

  • Claim is for a basic day for CMS Mishandling/improperly placed in RF/MC.


  • A copy of your Work History showing your current assignment and the assignment your being called for.
  • A copy of the extra board snapshot.


Claiming (a basic day or lost earnings) penalty account CMS Mishandling in placing Engineer (NAME) in RF/MC status. On (date) at (time) hrs. I was working the (CIRC-7) (BOARD) and was called for the (JOB ID) which is protected by (CIRC-7) (Extra Board).