Yard Extra Jobs
Yard Extra Jobs
(Called 3 days in a row)
Your claims:
- When an extra yard job is called at a location 3 days in a row and not bulletined as a regular assignment. Senior Claimant should put in a claim for a basic day each time this occurs as per PLB 7847, Award 2 and Rule 4, which states "any engine working three consecutive days will be considered regularly assigned".
- Snapshots showing the extra jobs.
- A copy of the denied non-service claim.
Claiming a basic day account a yard job was not bulletined as a regular assignment after being called as an extra for 3 consecutive days. I was deprived the opportunity to bid this job as required by Rule 4. On __(date) at (time) hrs the (extra job id) was called off the extra board id) with (crew member names) . On __(date) at (time) hrs the (extra job id) was called off the extra board id) with (crew member names) . On __(date) at (time) hrs the (extra job id) was called off the extra board id) with (crew member names). Claim basic day for violation of Rule 4.