Senior Available Applicant to Conductor Extra...

Senior Available Applicant to Conductor Extra Board When Vacancies are Filled by Another Terminal Extra Employee


  • You will claim the lost wages when not used for a road/yard vacancy if you were the senior available applicant to the conductor extra board and another employee was forced from another terminal to protect the vacancy.
  • This includes situations when the Carrier:
    • Fills a vacancy in SLC/Ogden/Provo with an extra employee from a different terminals extra board.



  • A copy of the Federal Tie-Up, call sheet, or job history of the crew which was used improperly.
  • A copy of the earnings of the assignment missed.
  • A copy of the permanent bid list for the protecting extra board.
  • A copy of your job history showing you were available
  • if not senior bidder, but was senior available, include job histories of those ahead of you showing their unavailability.



At _____ hrs on (date)  Conductor  (Name)   was called to step up for the (job/turn id) from (Extra Board Location) .  I was the senior available applicant to the  (circ 7 & board id) , which protects this service, and should have been called for this vacancy as required by Item 43(d). Claiming  ($    ) for all lost round trip earning from the lost work.