ID Crew Dogcatching at the AFHT
The claim for1st Out Extra Man:
- You will claim a basic day penalty when an Interdivisional Pool Crew performs Short Turn Around Dogcatching, and you were first out and available, or the senior available applicant to the protecting extra board if exhausted.
- A copy of the Federal Tie-Up (complete and accurate showing all work performed) of the Interdivisional Pool Crew who performed the dogcatch.
- A board standing for the Protecting Extra Board showing your first out and available status.
- OR- if extra board was exhausted and you were the "senior available applicant" to the extra board- a copy of the extra board snapshot and a copy of the permanent bid list to the extra board.
At _____ hrs Conductor___(Name) working the (circ 7) (pool id) was called to dog catch the (train symbol). He/she departed (terminal circ-7) at (time) hrs, and performed the dogcatch at _______ MP, arriving back at (terminal circ-7) at (time) hrs. I was first out and available (or senior available applicant) on the (circ-7) (extra board ID) and should have been called for this service. Claim 130 mile basic day penalty account not being called for this service in violation of the 1972 Interdivisional Agreement. Per Crew Consist agreement, penalty claim is made in addition to any and all guarantee payments.