Engineer 11/4 Not Implemented

The Claim:

  • When Engineers are not placed on an 11/4 board due to the Carrier not implementing the conditions of the 2023 Work/Rest Agreement.
  • Claim basic day per violation of BLE 11/4 work/rest agreement.


Required Documentation:

  • Time slip with FRA tie up showing what assignment was worked.
  • Snapshot of the board that you are assigned to that does not have an 11/4 schedule in violation of BLE 11/4 work/rest agreement.



Claiming a basic day per day for (Pay Half e.g. Aug. 1 through Aug 15) account my seniority was restricted when Carrier failed to implement the conditions of the 2023 Work Rest Agreement within the specified time limit contained in the Agreement. I was working the (CIRC-7 + BOARD) and Carrier violated the 2023 BLET System Agreement which states “Implementation of the plans should be completed as soon as practicable but no later than one year from the date on notification of ratification.”