Yard Extra Jobs

Your Claim:

When an extra yard job is called at a location 4 days in a row and not bulletined as a regular assignment. Senior Claimant should put in a claim for a basic day each time this occurs as per PLB 7847, Award 2 and Rule 52 Part C, which states "Any job working four consecutive days on the same shift will be considered regularly assigned and be open to bids, unless at the time the assignment is established it is known to be regularly assigned, in which case it will be advertised the same as any other permanent vacancy. (Intervening Sunday and holidays to be included in four consecutive days.)".

Required Documentation:

  • Snapshots showing the Extra Jobs


Claiming a basic day account a yard job was not bulletined as a regular assignment after being called as an extra for 4 consecutive days. I was deprived the opportunity to bid this job as required by Rule 52. On (date) at (time)  hrs the (extra job id) was called off the extra board id) with (crew member names). On (date) at (time) hrs the (extra job id) was called off the (extra board id) with (crew member names). On (date) at (time) hrs the (extra job id) was called off the extra board id) with (crew member names). On (date) at (time) hrs the (extra job id) was called off the extra board id) with (crew member names). Claim basic day for violation of Rule 52.