Description: Item - H Electric Lanterns UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Omaha, Nebraska E-560 May 26, 1951 J. JL Johnson, General Chairman, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 419 Sunderland Building, Omaha, Nebraska Dear Sir: Sections 2 and 4 of agreement negotiated between railroads in the western territory, including Union Pacific, and the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, effective June 1, 1941, covering the use of electric hand lanterns by trainmen and yardmen read as follows: "2. Trainmen and yardmen will be furnished electric band lantern by the particular railroad on which employed upon depositing with that railroad the actual cost thereof not exceeding $2.00 each "4. When a trainman or yardman leaves the service, either voluntarily, by discharge or by death, or those retaining employe relationship but are in active service, the lantern may be returned to the railroad, whereupon the amount of deposit made when the lantern was issued, not exceeding amount of $2.00, shall be refunded to him or his estate or heirs," The above sections placed a ceiling of $2.00 on the actual cost of lanterns. The current prices of electric lanterns are as follows: Adlake No. 31......................... .$1.90 each Justrite No. 40.......................…. 2.00 " Star No. 202-R......................... .2.20 " Many trainmen and yardmen prefer the Star electric lantern and desire to purchase them at the actual cost to the railroad. It is, therefore, agreed that the above sections will b« modified to read: “2. Trainmen and yardmen will be furnished electric hand lantern by the particular railroad on which employed upon depositing with that railroad the actual cost thereof. "4. When a trainman or yardman leaves the service, either voluntarily, by discharge or by death, or those retaining employe relationship, but not in active service, the lantern may be returned to the railroad, whereupon the amount of deposit made when the lantern was issued, shall be refunded to him or his estate or heirs." Yours truly, H. E. SHUMWAY ACCEPTED: J. R. JOHNSON General Chairman, BofRT |