ITEM 93 A: Jeffrey Energy pool
Description: ITEM - 93 (a) JEFFREY ENERGY POOL IT IS AGREED: 1. The primary function of the Jeffrey Energy Pool will be to handle Jeffrey Energy Center trains. 2. The pool may also be used on the Ninth District in short turn-around service, dogcatching or work train service if such service originates out of Marysville. 3. Carrier will determine the number of crews in the pool. Employes assigned to the pool will be guaranteed 3850 miles per month. Employes assigned for less than a full month will be guaranteed proportionately. When an employe assigned to the pool lays off, the guarantee will be reduced by the amount that employe would have earned. 4. The $1.50 meal en route will apply to employes working in this pool. 5. This agreement is effective immediately and may be terminated by either party by the service of a 10-day written notice upon the other. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska this 25th day of 'March, 1981. FOR THE UNITED FOR THE UNION PACIFIC