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Rule #: 7
Year: 1975
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  • Agreement
  • Agreement / Schedule Rules
  • UP
  • Trainmen
  • Northwest (Portland Hub Zone 1 & 2)
  • Northwest (Portland Hub Zone 1 & 2) / 1st District
  • Northwest (Portland Hub Zone 1 & 2) / 2nd District
  • Northwest (Portland Hub Zone 1 & 2) / 3rd District
  • Northwest (Portland Hub Zone 1 & 2) / 4th District
  • Oregon
  • Washington
Class of Service:
  • Road



(a)   Initial terminal delay shall be paid on a minute basis to trainmen In freight service for all time in excess of seventy-five minutes computed from the time of reporting for duty up to the time the train leaves the terminal at one-eighth (1/8th) of the basic daily rate, In addition to the full mileage, with the understanding that the actual time consumed In the performance of service in the initial terminal for which an arbitrary allowance of any kind is paid shall be deducted from the Initial terminal time under this rule.

NOTE 1. In Interdivisional service initial terminal delay shall begin after the expiration of thirty minutes.

NOTE 2. The phrase ''train leaves the terminal" means when the train actually starts on its road trip from the yard track where the train is first made up.

NOTE 3. In Interdivisional service if the train does not actually depart from the yard track where first made up and is stopped and is held in the same yard track for reasons other than lining the switch for outbound movements, Initial terminal delay shall continue to be paid until the train again actually starts on its road trip from the yard track where the train was first made up.

NOTE 4. At Spokane, trains leaving the new yard in either direction, if prevented from entering the main track by reason of signal governing movement from the yard track to the main track remaining in stop position after switch is lined to enter the main track, Initial terminal delay will continue until signal indicates proceed and train is permitted to move.

NOTE 5. At Hinkle, if a westbound freight train is stopped for any reason between departure from the yard track and departure from the switch west of the depot and by reason of being stopped consumes more than thirty minutes from departure time on track train is made up to departure at the west switch, all time in excess of thirty minutes will be paid as additional initial terminal delay if initial terminal delay is payable by reason of the initial time consumed being more than one hour fifteen minutes (thirty minutes in interdivisional service) from time called on duty to the time of departure from the yard track and more than one hour forty-five minutes (one hour in Interdivisional service) to time of departure from the west switch from time called on duty.

(b) This rule will not apply to pusher, helper, mine run, shifter, roustabout, belt line, transfer, work, wreck, construction, circus train (paid special rates or allowances), road switcher (district runs), or to local freight or mixed service where switching is performed at initial terminal in accordance with schedule rules.

(c) Where mileage is allowed between the point of reporting for duty and the point of departure from the track on which the train is first made up, each mile so allowed will extend by 4.8 minutes the period of seventy-five minutes after which initial terminal delay payment begins.

(d) When road overtime accrues during any trip or tour of duty, in no case will payment for both initial terminal delay and overtime be paid, but whichever is the greater will be paid.

(e) When a tour of duty is composed of a series of trips, initial terminal delay will be computed on only the first trip of the tour of duty.