Rule 93: Bulletins- Annual
Description: RULE 93. (a) Annual Bulletins. All assigned runs will be bulletined annually upon a date fixed by the Superintendent and Local Chairmen. On passenger runs, passenger miles and rates of pay apply during period of such bulletin. (b) Bulletining - Assigned Runs. Assigned runs and other than temporary vacancies on such runs shall be promptly bulletined on bulletin boards accessible to all employee affected for a period of 6 days. Date and hour bulletin closes will be specified therein. Applications for runs or vacancies shall be made in writing and must be received prior to date and hour bulletin closes. The senior conductor and/or brakeman making written application for bulletined assignment will be assigned at close of bulletin, except that when the senior conductor and/or brakeman of the freight or passenger district or division, as the case may be, makes written application, he or they will be immediately assigned and bulletin withdrawn. If the bulletined assignment is in passenger service, conductor and/or brakeman so assigned will be compensated at the passenger rate of pay. (c) Passenger rates of pay apply during period vacancies on assigned passenger runs are under bulletin. (d) When no written applications are received for bulletined assignments in: (b) The senior brakeman on the brakemen extra board, as provided by Rule 20(a) will be assigned. Note: See Appendix "A" - Items 49, 92(k), 93(a), 93(b), 93(c) and 93(d). (e) Disrupted Assignments. When assignments are disrupted due to addition or elimination of trains, change in terminal or layover point, or a change of 2 hours or more in time of departure or bulletin starting time, assignments affected will be promptly bulletined. If in passenger service, passenger rates of pay will apply during the period of the bulletin. (f) In passenger service when runs are bulletined under provisions of Section (b) of this rule and the successful applicant or applicants thereto are at the far terminal at the expiration of the bulletin, they will receive passenger rates of pay for the return trip if in passenger service. |