Rule 72: Deadheading- Freight Service
Description: RULE 72. DEADHEADING. (a) Conductors and brakemen when required by the railroad to deadhead will be paid as follows: When deadheaded to and from freight service, through freight mileage and rates will apply. When deadheaded in passenger service, passenger mileage and rates will apply. Extra passenger conductors deadheaded to a passenger terminal for extra passenger service will receive deadhead miles at freight rates to and from freight terminal regardless of the service performed after the initial trip in extra passenger service, and if an extra passenger conductor deadheads to a home terminal of passenger district for regular passenger service, no deadhead will be allowed either to or from freight terminal, regardless of the service performed subsequent to the initial trip in regular passenger service. Extra passenger conductors who are deadheaded to the home termina1 of their passenger district for a vacancy in regular passenger service and subsequently used in irregular passenger service will not be released from such service until they return to the home terminal of the passenger district. (b) If no actual service is performed within 24 hours from the time called to deadhead, not less than a minimum day will be allowed, except as otherwise provided herein. Minimum of 100 miles allowed to Nebraska Division crews for deadheading between Hastings and Grand Island (c) When deadheaded to an intermediate point to relieve a conductor or brakeman account hours of service law, or for other reasons, and not used, and deadheaded back to terminal, not less than a minimum day will be paid. (d) A conductor or brakeman ordered to deadhead to an outlying point and later displaced from the run will be paid for the going and return movements. Conductor or brakeman making displacement will not be paid for deadhead movement. (e) Except as provided in Section (f) of this rule, conductors and brakemen will be allowed actual miles deadheaded to and from points of service when deadheaded to take an assignment or when assignment is discontinued. (f) Deadheading resulting from the exercise of seniority, for promotion, or for personal convenience will not be paid for. (g) When deadheaded for other than train service, rates for class of service from which taken will be paid. (h) Promoted brakemen deadheading to take conductor's position will be paid conductor's rate for deadheading. (i) Conductors and brakemen ordered to deadhead incident to the addition or reduction of Colorado Division* crews in the North Platte-Sterling pool will be compensated therefor on same basis as conductors and brakemen deadheaded to and from other bulletined assignments. Conductors and brakemen deadheading to and from Denver incident to relieving Colorado Division* conductors and brakemen in the North Platte-Sterling pool who lay off, or incident to the equalization of mileage between the two divisions, will do so on their own time without compensation. *Division, designation prior to January 1, 1948. (j) Terminal time or overtime is not paid for in deadhead service. Note: See Appendix "A" - Item 72. |