Rule 41: Calling- General
Description: RULE 41. CALLING - GENERAL. (a) At terminals conductors and brakemen will be called as nearly as practicable one and one-half hours before time required to report for duty, and within one and one-half miles of place required to report; if residing outside of the one and one half mile zone, they will be called by telephone. Caller will be provided with a book, showing time and for what trains wanted, in which conductors and brakemen will sign their names and time called. If called by telephone, the caller will make such record in call book. Note: See Appendix "A" - Item 41. (b) Conductors and brakemen will not be called to report for service at home terminal until they have been off duty 8 hours at home terminal, if other conductors and brakemen are available, except extra passenger conductors deadheading to their freight terminal will be eligible for their freight turn providing they are fully rested at reporting time. This does not apply to extra passenger conductors and brakemen called at outlying points to protect passenger service out of home terminal of passenger district or to extra passenger conductors and brakemen deadheading into home terminal of passenger district, who have had their legal rest. Conductors and brakemen in assigned and pool freight service may be permitted to double out of home terminal with less than 8 hours off duty by agreement between the Superintendent and Local Chairmen. (c) Not Called in Turn. Crews not called in their turn will be allowed 50 miles and stand first out; if not called within 8 hours 100 miles will be allowed and stand first out. Crews are not run around when they take the train called for. (d)(l) Called and Not Used. When called and not used, conductors and brakemen will be allowed 50 miles and stand first out; if held on duty to exceed 4 hours, 100 miles allowed and stand last out. (2) Employes called for interdivisional service and not used shall be allowed 50 miles and stand first out; and if held on duty to exceed four hours, such employe shall be allowed 100 miles and stand first out and shall be restored to his same relative position on the pool board at first opportunity. RULE 41 (e) First In First Out. (1) Train crews in pool freight or unassigned service will run first in first out. Crews arriving at arrival point first, as shown by train register, will stand first out, if available under schedule rules. Note: See Appendix "A" - Items 41(a) and 41(b). (2) Except as provided in Rule 31, crews that have made one turn-around trip out of far terminal and crews tied up enroute to far terminal who have had their rest at tie up point, will not be called for turn-around trip out of far terminal, if other crews are available. A trip from Junction City to Marysville, via Manhattan or Topeka, or vice versa, will be considered as a turn-around out of far terminal, and crews will not be called for a second turnaround trip out of either Junction City or Marysville if other crews are available. (3) Conductors and brakemen deadheaded to terminal on passenger train will take turn out per arrival as shown by train register. (4) Conductors and brakemen called to deadhead on a designated freight train, but permitted to deadhead by other means, will take turn out of objective terminal per arrival of freight train on which they were called to deadhead. (5) On districts where cabooses are pooled, crews will take their turn upon arrival of the train on which they were called to deadhead. (6) Conductors and brakemen deadheaded from foreign districts will take their turn out per arrival of train on which deadheaded. RULE 41 (7) When calling crews to deadhead, call crew first out to deadhead and next crew to run the train; at final terminal they will be called in same order. Note: See Appendix "A" -Items 41(c) and 41(e). (8) When necessary to use crews that are deadheading at an intermediate point on the district, other than for service on train on which deadheading, crews will be set out in the order they stood at initial terminal. Note: See Appendix "A" - Items 41(c)and Items 41(e). RULE 41 (9) When deadhead crews are picked up between terminals, they will not be set out for service if other crews are available. Crews picked up between terminals will stand out at final terminal ahead of crews deadheading from initial terminal on same train and crew handling the train. Crews picked up will be called out of final terminal in reverse order in which they were picked up, if available. RULE 41 (10) When crews are deadheaded without having had legal rest period with a crew that stands first out and has legal rest, the crews will be called for service at the objective terminal in the order they stood at the initial terminal, if available. (f) Crews Returning From Foreign District. Train crews returning home from foreign districts may be called for service around the home crews of such districts, or deadheaded, without allowing the latter any claims for run-around. Note: See Appendix "A" for appropriate district blueprint board agreements - Items 41(f) through 41(w) plus interdivisional blueprint board agreements - Items 41(x) and 41(y). |