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Rule 19: Temporary Vacancies Less Than 10 Days and Irregular Passenger Service

Rule #: 19
Year: 1983
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  • Agreement
  • Agreement / Schedule Rules
  • UP
  • Trainmen
  • Eastern
  • Eastern / Zone 100
  • Eastern / Zone 200
  • Eastern / Denver Hub
  • Eastern / Salina Hub
  • Eastern / Salt Lake Hub
  • Eastern / Portland Hub Zone 3
  • Nevada
  • Colorado
  • Idaho
  • Utah
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Marysville, KS
  • Nebraska
  • Wyoming - Cheyenne East
  • Wyoming - Everything West of Cheyenne
Class of Service:
  • Road

(a) Extra passenger conductors on passenger districts Omaha to Green River and Kansas City to Denver, will be called as follows:

1. The senior available extra passenger conductor of the district not assigned to a ten day vacancy who can be made available at reporting time to protect such vacancies or for irregular passenger service will be called. This also applies when calling helper conductors.

2. Extra passenger conductor who lays off at time called for vacancy in passenger service operated out of home terminal of passenger district will not be permitted to work in freight or passenger service until the crew on which the vacancy exists returns to home terminal and there is no junior conductor filling vacancy operated out of an outlying point.  

3. Extra passenger conductor who lays off at time called for vacancy operated out of an outlying point will be required to take such vacancy when reporting for duty unless it has been filled by a senior conductor, and will not be permitted to return to freight service until there is no junior conductor filling vacancy in passenger service.
(b) Extra passenger brakemen will be run first in first out of terminal where extra passenger board is maintained. Extra passenger brakeman filling vacancy on a run which ties up at a point where no extra board is maintained will remain on the run until displaced by the regular brakeman, or as provided in Section (c) of Rule 18. Extra passenger brakemen missing a call will be placed at the foot of the extra board. It is understood that this provision does not estop the management from administering such discipline as it deems proper for missing a call.
Extra brakemen laying off will not be called for service in less than twenty-four hours from the time of laying off if other extra brakemen are available.

Note: See Appendix "A" - Items 19, l9(e) and 92(k-1).