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National Health and Welfare agreement (Agreement Benefits)

Mar 30, 2020
National Health and Welfare agreement (Agreement Benefits) image

If a member is out on disability, during COVID-19, and they need a POD to extend coverage, but they cannot get in touch with their doctor due to this situation, the National Plan will extend coverage for 1 month. The member must call into RRES and let Railroad Enrollment Services and they will manually extend the coverage. The National Plan will evaluate this process on a monthly basis until things calm down enough and members should be able to obtain the signed form.

The NHW Plan Spouse Audit ends tomorrow.  I have sent several messages to the agreement population with reminders.  I have also been provided eid's for those who had incomplete paperwork or have not responded at all.  The last message sent, specifically to the incomplete paperwork and no response folks, was via the UPPortal, Friday, March 27, 2020.